Sunday, February 11, 2007

BloG PoSt 1 - China Missile

Article 1 URL:

Just recently, China fired a missile to destroy a satellite. This has sparked off a series of events, which has raised a national debate over this incident. Hence, I have decided to use this missile firing incident as my ORP article 1.

The firing of a missile resembling an atomic bomb to destroy a satellite depicts that China has the possibility of igniting a new race for "space weapons", because it was the first to destroy satellites in space since 1980s after Soviet Union and U.S. Ironically, this also shows that the Republic's "peaceful rise" is just an illusion.

Not only that, as there are many countries around China in missile range, it might signify that those countries might be at risk of warring with China. It also proves that China can also shoot down spy satellites operated by other nations, and thus sparking off an extraterrestrial arms race.

One might feel that it is overly-sensitive to care about such "trivial" stuff, whereas others might feel that China is indeed boasting about its technological prowess. However, at this point in time, where there is no adequate evidence of China really wanting to go to war so it would be unreasonable to blame them. A novel way to look at this and not be biased will be to take the view of a bystander who will analyse the reasoning for both parties.

To China, this incident might be no big deal to them and does not really demonstrate any particular technological advancement, so some might feel that there is no need to feel threatened. However, to others, it might show that China has not only expanded its arms race to space and is also out to prove itself by destroying satellites because after all, they form an important part of communications. To United States, the debris resulted form the destroyed satellite could endanger the manned International Space Station and also orbiting satellites. Not only that, this incident is also a very big threat to India's unmanned space programme. As such, I feel that one should try to 'experience' the nervousness of being a country and a neibouring country(China) shooting a missile into space.

If China continues to use missiles to destroy satellites, then other countries might go attack China, forcing an arms control treaty and most probably starting the dreaded WW3. Also, given the history of some events of space issues, small things can cause very big problems. As such, China must better reason out this incident before it escalates into an arms race. I personally feel that China should provide the full details and then rejoining the consensus against testing in space. Furthermore, at times, we might not know how our actions could mean another thing to others, and so we must think thoroughly before every move. One must also not be afraid to apologise if really guilty of wrongdoings, in this case, China "wanting to wage war".

In conclusion, after reflecting on this incident, I feel that i have gained lots of invaluable experience. Firstly, the person who I am will change my views, because my views might be biased at times, thus leading me to misunderstanding some issues. Lastly, even if the truth is not very pleasant, we should not twist facts, and instead act on one's understanding.
(500 words)