Friday, May 11, 2007

BloG PoSt 3- Fat Teenagers

Article 3 URL:

This article shows that teenage years decide whether one becomes an obese adult. Researchers have deduced that fat teenagers have a higher chance of growing up to be obese.

In response to the article which highlights that obese teenagers are also going to remain as obese adults, I feel that the teenagers are facing a difficult prospect in life ahead; they would still be laughed at, but only to a lesser extent. The chances of one finding a life-mate would be lower then.

Nowadays, we see the number of teenagers turning fat, due to simple reasons like unhealthy eating habits and laziness. I believe that nobody would like to be fat, since one would always be in great inconvenience and being constantly made a mockery of. Not only that, they would also be more prone to chronic diseases like heart attack & diabetes, and also have a long history of illnesses.

Not only that, in a social sense, fat people tend to have less friends as people are also biased against them for their large body mass. The latter are also regarded as ‘dumb’ and always be a victim of the relentless and evil teasing by others. It would be hard to prove others wrong with their accomplishment, due to the bias opinions against them. Having to endure being laughed at all the time without retaliating is no mean feat, and I really take my hat off to those who do so.

However, some of us are envious of fat people. They have the 6th freedom, Freedom of Eating, which enables them to enjoy all the heavenly delicacies which mortals would strive to avoid due to health issues. For example, when we see unhealthy but delicious food, but a physical test is round the corner, we would not abstain from eating it. However, to them, they would eat it, since they know that they would fail anyway.

Having this freedom also has a price to pay. If an overweight guy enters National Service, he will be suffering much more than others, since he would not be able to take the grueling physical demands. As such, with or without this freedom, everybody is still ‘equal’ overall.

Now, some may argue that being overweight is not a problem, as with the springing of many slimming centers; it would be extremely easy to burn those lipids, despite eating as much at the same time. Personally, I feel that it is pointless to gorge on food then waste money by going to slimming centers. Being overweight is a sign of unhealthiness, and one should watch out for one’s diet.

In the past, I used to habitually insult a fat person in my class. Until one day, I placed myself in his perspective, and found out what a miserable life he was leading, having to face a class, and a mean person who would call him names. As such, when I realized the atrocity of my actions, I stopped bullying him at once. From then on, I believed that 'fat' people should never be laughed at, for they have emotions as well and that no parent would want their child laughed at.

*I realised that coping with bullies is never an easy thing. Only by being a weel-built person can one then gain a bird's eye view of this incident.

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